Thursday, September 4, 2014

Multipurpose Hall

Maranyundo Girls School is building a Multipurpose Hall as part of its expansion into a high school. The Hall will be used for community events such as weddings, conferences, and performances. It is one of the largest function halls in the district so when it is completed, it is sure to be in high demand. Rental income from the hall will go to support the school, helping it be even more independent in the future.

The grand opening is scheduled for October - which is amazing considering it seemed barely started when we first arrived at the end of January!  Let’s take a look at the progress.

These photos of the exterior of the Multipurpose Hall were taken on March 21, 2014.

These photos below were taken on August 18, 2014. 
The building now has a roof and no scaffolding along with a layout for the glass for windows. 

The glass panes have already arrived on campus and are just waiting to be put in. They can be seen below well-protected and leaning up against one of the school buildings.

Also from March 21, 2014, below are some glimpses of the interior of the main hall.
There is a huge matrix of scaffolding inside reaching up to the sky. It's amazing that all of that is built by hand! The ground is uneven, rough and pitted.

On August 18, 2014, there was still scaffolding inside, but it now has a beautiful roof, the walls are complete and painted and the floor is much more smooth and level. Check out the gorgeous ceiling below!

Here are one of the many dedicated people who have been working so hard to make the Multipurpose Hall a reality. He asked me to take his picture as he was high up on the scaffolding painting the trim on the exterior of the building.


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