Thursday, September 4, 2014

Expansion construction

Maranyundo Girls School is expanding from a middle school to also include a high school! Currently the school serves grades Senior 1-3 and next year the plan is to have the first class of Senior 4.  Then each year another grade will be added until we have the complete Senior 1-6.  It is all very exciting!

Construction started only a few months ago but everyone is very confident it will be ready in time for the January start date in 2015. 

Here are some photos of the progress that has been made so far:

It doesn’t really look like much until you remember that most everything is done completely by hand. They make huge progress and very quickly! The pile of wood for the scaffolding, seen above,  reminds me of how far they have to go but also how fast they feel they can get it all done. I have full confidence!


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