Thursday, June 19, 2014

Brave Mandy

The senior twos are done with their stories that I had shared illustrations from a few weeks ago.  One of the students generously agreed to share her story:


Once upon a time, there lived a girl called Mandy. She lived in a very beautiful and magical village called Madrilia. Everyone in that village had a name that started with "M" like Marina, Marimar, and Mary. The village had plenty of fruits such as mangoes and melons. This village was a very colourful place. It was purple, pink, and green, yellow, red.
Mandy was the most beautiful girl in the whole village and she was the fastest runner in the village. Every morning, after she had made her bed, swept the floor, and prepared breakfast for her mother and herself, she would go out to the garden. Mandy would sing, dance, and watch the busy bees make honey.  Then she would return home for lunch.
One day, an ugly wizard from an ugly village came to Madrilia. When he arrived, he was amazed by the beautiful land and said, “Wow! This is even more beautiful than I was told. I must steal all these colours and take them to my village." The ugly wizard had an ugly and wicked idea so he went to his home village to get a sleeping potion and a magical net.
The next day, the wizard came back to Madrilia. That night, there was supposed to be a big party with plenty of food so when nobody was watching, the wizard put the sleeping potion in their food.
When it was time to eat, Mandy's mother asked Mandy, "Why are not eating?"
Mandy replied, "Because I ate a lot before the party.” Meanwhile, all the people had eaten the food and had fallen asleep. Even in the morning no one was awake except Mandy, who had not eaten the food.
As usual she woke up and went to the garden but there were no bees around to play or dance with because they had all fallen into a deep sleep. As she sat in the colourful garden, she did not see the ugly wizard.
The ugly wizard came with his magical net and said the magical words, “ALL COLOURS, COME TO ME!" and all the colours flew into his magical net but Mandy also flew in with the colours. She screamed but no one heard her; even the wizard did not hear her. The wizard reached his village and opened the magical net full of colours and ran around the village three times. His ugly village, full of witches and wizards, was now as beautiful as Madrilia had been. Mandy fell out of the net and hid in a tree.
When everyone woke up, they found that Madrilia had become an ugly village with no colours at all. All the people and bees went out to search for Mandy but could not find her.
Then the queen bee said, "Go and search every place you know until you find Mandy.” At last the bees found Mandy sitting in a tree alone.
One bee asked, "Mandy, why are you here and why is Madrilia colourless?”
Then Mandy said, “An ugly wizard stole our colours.”
Another bee asked, "Why don't you get the colours back?"
"But when?” asked Mandy.
“At night when everyone is asleep,” said the first bee. So at night, when everyone was asleep, Mandy went to the ugly wizard's hut and stole the magical net.
She went outside and whispered the magical words, “ALL COLOURS, COME TO ME!" and all the colours flew into the magical net. Mandy ran as fast as she had ever run, back to her village. She ran around her village three times and it became just as beautiful and colourful as before. Everyone sang, danced and was proud of Mandy. They said that they should have a party in Mandy's honor for saving the village.
And yes, Mandy, a small child, had saved her whole village.

-By Raina, senior two 2014

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